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The Journey to Ninjahood

'If you feel you have got the world on your shoulders do a handstand and have the world at your feet'


I am a qualified coach who has a decade of experience teaching and practicing an array of movement genres. My goal over the years has been to understand movement through my own experience of it, in as many forms as I can and through as many cultures as possible, in order to bring the best knowledge and a similar level of passion for movement as I have to each and every person.

I have an organic mission to bring body awareness to others so they can maintain a happy and healthy physical and mental outlook.


Since 2012, I’ve been working as a certified coaching professional who specializes in helping people move well, breath better and find a better balance in their life mentally, physcially and emotionally.

I coach my clients in a way that helps fine tune their body-mind connection, tapping into the present moment through sensitivity to sensation. I found my drive to heal and coach people from almost fifteen years of teaching creative processes to children and adults.  I hit some imbalances in my own life and yoga gifted me a new teaching tool which was to pass on this feeling of wellbeing which is the greatest tool by far. The skills I have acquired are through a dedicated belief of the benefits of the practices I have discovered along the way, seeing it help friends and family and watching it organically grow, this need for helping others with their challenges. This motivated me to turn my passion of movement into a life-time career. If you have any questions about my methods, or would like to schedule a consultation or join a class please get in touch today.



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